Sant Sohirobanath Ambiye Dyanvrudhi Shishyvrutti
Bursary Scheme
The Government of Goa has a laudable objective of Universalizing Higher and Technical Education in the State, thereby raising the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) to around 45 from the present 32.2. It is desired that Higher and Technical Education does not become the privilege of the selected few. With this sole objective in mind, Scheme for the grant of financial assistance towards the fees paid for various courses under Higher and Technical Education has been formulated.
Students pursuing College (Higher and Professional) Education in the State of Goa including post graduation shall be eligible to receive the benefits under the Bursary Scheme, provided they meet the eligibility criteria laid down in scheme. The actual grant would be calculated on the basis of the fees paid for each of the course/program and will be limited to the payment of fees and other charges given to the College/Institution The concerned student shall pay the requisite fees for the course that he/she pursues. The eligible quantum of fees shall be reimbursed to him through direct transfer to his Bank Account
Eligibility criteria of the Scheme
In order to be a beneficiary under the scheme, the student should met the following criteria
- The student should have completed his Std. Xth and XIIth and graduation in case of post graduation students from an institution in Goa.
- All the graduate and post graduate students, the annual income of both parent(s)/guardian taken together is less than Rupees three lakhs
- The maximum amount of grant shall be restricted to Rs. 40,000/- per annum.
- Only those cases where the total course/ /programme fees do not exceed Rs. 60,000/- per annum shall be considered under this scheme